Saturday, December 31, 2011

Don Quixote and Me

.Sometimes when I get very discouraged I ask myself, "How did this insanity get started?"
I try to remember.  We wanted to have someplace comfortable to spend the summers.  My long-suffering wife has stayed with me for 33 years in Tucson even though she hates the heat.  We could spend our summers in the cool mountains! 
On a visit to Italy, where her ancestors are from, we fell in love with the charming stone houses with their slate roofs - 'tetti di pietra' in Italian.
We sat down with our architect, explained our concept, and he came up with an "artists rendition".  We were smitten.  It was love at first sight.  We were hooked.
 Of course, you can't build things like they did 400 years ago.  But, you can use materials that are available to you and try to reproduce the concept.  The challenge, of course is meeting modern building codes.  It proved very difficult to go against the grain.  In Arizona, everybody is building houses with with "stick frames" with exterior walls of styrofoam insulation covered with stucco.  Roofs can be terracotta tile or cement-based manufactured tiles.  But, like Don Quixote of legend, we had dream and nothing could dissuade us in pursuit of our quest.  We wanted a house that looked 400 years old on the outside, but had all the modern conveniences on the inside.

It's difficult looking at it now and envisioning how it will look like the original artist's drawing, but we have faith in the final outcome.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Overtaken by Winter

August 2011

                                                     December 2011

We are now 18 months since our first meeting with the architect to get started on our retirement home.  The original plan was to get started with construction early this summer and have the cabin "dried in" by the fall.  Alas, one problem after another ensued. The first bank bailed on us.  We didn't realized that you can't build 2 houses on one 9 acre lot, so that led to surveys, appraisers, bankers, lawyers, title companies, etc.,  to split the property, and a new bank that we are still negotiating with.  We started construction with financing from the "Hip Pocket National Bank".  We got the walls up, but when we went to put up the logs for our charming rustic exposed beam ceiling, there were no logs available anywhere in the U.S.!  Four months and thousands of dollars later we managed to get some logs from Canada.  Then the weather turned bad with snow and sub-freezing temps in the high country.  Maybe a roof finally next week???